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Thino Search

Thino Search

Feature Info

Available in both Thino Basic and Thino Pro

Thino’s search currently only supports pure text search. When you search, it will trigger the filtering of the global Thino card. The changes after the search will be reflected in the number of cards in the Thino list below, and you will notice a filter list between the editor and the Thino list.

Thino Search--Random Review

When clicking the search button in the filter, the current search in the search box will be canceled; by default, the text in the search box will not be deleted when the search is canceled, and when you continue to enter, or press the Enter key in the search box, the search will be triggered again.

Quick Entry

When you hover over the search box, its built-in several common searches will appear in front of you,

Thino Search--Quick Entry


  • With link -> Note that here, with link refers to the internal link of Thino, not the conventional understanding of hyperlinks, which can be understood as internal links [[]];
  • No tag -> As the literal meaning, all Thino cards without tags will be filtered out together;
  • With hyperlink -> When there is a hyperlink that starts with http or https in Thino, it will be filtered out, which can be understood as []();
  • With image -> As the literal meaning, it refers to the content containing images

These quick entry points can help you save time in typing search.

Search Range

  • Search does not retrieve archived content
  • Search does not retrieve content that has been deleted to the recycle bin

Advanced Features

In Thino’s search, there is a special search symbol: -time: When you enter any search content in the input box, as long as you add -time: (note that : is an English colon, and it needs to be followed by a space), and then you enter two dates separated by spaces, the date search will be triggered automatically, for example, 12 -time: 2023-10-22 2023-10-28 will trigger Thino to filter all Thino with 12 content from 2023-10-22 to 2023-10-29 (before).

For other more advanced usage methods, please refer to Search.