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Thino Global Wakeup

Thino Global Wakeup

Feature Info

Available in Thino Pro

As the name suggests, the global wake-up feature is to wake up thino at any time when reading on the computer side (Win, Mac available, HarmonyOS not supported), in order to achieve the purpose of quickly clipping.

How to use Thino’s global wake-up feature

  1. Turn on settings:
    • Open the 【Settings】—【Advanced】in Thino and enable the 【Enable Opening Thino Globally】option. Thino Global Wakeup--Number display

    • Set the global wake-up Thino shortcut key, the system default shortcut key is: 【 CommandOrControl + Shift + T 】. Where CommandOrControl is case-sensitive and represents the command or ctrl key. It is worth noting that using this set of shortcuts in ob may conflict with the original shortcuts. If necessary, you can set a new shortcut in 【Key for opening thino globally】.

    • 【Show nearby mouse】function After checking, when Thino is globally awakened, the pop-up window will appear at the position of the mouse; Uncheck, when Thino is globally awakened, the pop-up window will appear at the default position: the center of the interface

  2. Restart Obsidian
  3. Activate the global wake-up feature using the command:
    • 【ctrl + p 】open the command panel, search for 【 Init global copy events 】 Thino Global Wakeup--Number display

    • It is worth noting that: after this global wake-up, click to close, you need to re-enter the command to activate the global wake-up function. I personally recommend combining the buttons quickadd plugin to bind the Init global copy events command to achieve quick clipping, and facilitate the use of the function.


  • This feature is not enabled by default to prevent conflicts with the shortcuts you have set
  • You need to enable it in the plugin settings and restart Obisidian