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Thino Multi-source

Thino Multi-source

Feature Info

Available in Thino Pro

Thino’s multi-source to get Thino cards was introduced in version 2.0.X. In this new stage, you can start to rely on single files, Canvas, rather than just diary form to create Thino and store Thino.

You can go to the multi-source settings to configure or switch the properties of multi-source.

This includes the following modes:

  • Diary mode
  • Multi-file mode
  • Single file mode
  • Canvas mode

PS: Note that except for the diary mode, the id and createdAt in the saved content are the most important metadata, so please do not modify them without special reasons.

Diary mode

In Thino, all the cards you create by default and edit will be stored in the diary of the day without adjusting any settings. For example, when you create a new Thino on 2023-11-09, after saving it, it will go through the following steps and finally be written to your diary file:

Thino checks whether the diary of the day exists. If it does not exist, it will be created. If it exists, the content of the current Thino will be converted into text with a timestamp and inserted under the specified title, by default, it will be inserted under the # Journal title.

Canvas mode

When you choose to store Thino in the Canvas of Obsidian, a new card will be created 200 px below the last card created in the current Canvas, and all the metadata needed for Thino will be attached.

By default, it will be saved to the basic.thino.canvas file, but it will also index other Canvas files with thino.canvas, so you can add your favorite Canvas files at any time to customize the storage of Thino content.


Currently, the plugin layer cannot control the size and style of the whiteboard cards in Obsidian

Multi-file mode

The multi-file mode, also known as the Multi mode, creates a complete note when you create a Thino based on the Multi mode. The content is the text you entered in the Thino editor, and the metadata of the note, which is the YAML Frontmatter, is used to store the metadata of Thino.

Single file mode

The single file mode is based on the title and a single Callout to store the text. The Callout will also contain the metadata mentioned above. In addition, because it relies on the rendering format of Obsidian, try not to connect two Callouts together as much as possible, otherwise, due to the parsing problem of Obsidian itself, there may be data confusion.