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Thino FAQ

Thino FAQ

The following is a collection of information related to Thino.

Reasons for Renaming to Thino

For more details, see 05_About Thino. The core reasons are:

  • At the code level: Starting from version 2.1, Obsidian Memos will diverge from the current development path of Memos and will be updated as Thino.
  • At the functionality level: Thino will start to add more features for acquiring and organizing inspiration, evolving in new directions.
  • Due to new Obsidian official rules, plugins are not allowed to use the Obsidian name. Thus, we took the opportunity to come up with a new name.


The name was decided through multiple rounds of voting.

Thino Pricing

Thino Pro

  • Current you can download it from github or Obsidian Market directly.
  • Thino also serves as a benefit for PKMer community contributors, and several high-quality PKMer community contributors have already been awarded.

Activation steps: 04_Thino Installation and Pro Activation

Why Charge for Thino Pro?

Note: This mainly supports the development of the Thino Local (which includes Obsidian Plugin) and Thino Web, and for the future of Thino multi-platform applications development. You can choose not to buy pro, and just use the basic version of Thino. It is still faster and robuster than before!

About Pro features and pricing: Thino Pro

Will Thino Plugins Still Be Open Sourced Like Version 1.x?

Not now. But the version 1.x code will still be open sourced. The new version 2.x will not be open sourced.

How to Obtain Thino Pro as an Early Bird/Beta Participant

  • Initially, to motivate PKMer community authors, the community unconditionally trusted many authors and freely distributed version 2.0.x.
  • From version 2.1, Thino Pro will be available for purchase. However, the PKMer community will continue to provide preferential treatment to contributors.

The Relationship between Thino and the PKMer Organization

Both the Thino is a product of the PKMer organization, and Thino’s development is inseparable from the strong support of other PKMer members: Acknowledgements

The Relationship between Thino and the Memos Open Source Project

  • Obsidian Memos is from the open source project Memos, based on the December 2021 version of Memos. In version 2.X, Thino’s interface and underlying code have been rebuilt, gradually diverging from Memos’s development path and source code implementation.

Why Thino Web?

To support quick input and synchronization across devices, Thino Web will be developed. This will allow for the following:

  • Importing from WeChat to Thino (Available in China);
  • Importing from Telegram, discord to Thino (In development);
  • Use web version to capture idea and syncing to the local Thino;
  • Thino Extension for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox (In development).